10 Top Back to School Tips and Tricks

Starting school, or even a new year can be exciting and a little nerve racking for children and parents alike! Help make the transition run as smoothly possible by reading our back to school tips and tricks, so your family is ready to start on the right foot.
- Buy a diary or wall calendar and make sure you’ve marked all school trips or events in for the first few weeks back at school.
- Check if there is anything you need to do to enrol or register for the new school year – this is likely to be the case if your child is changing schools.
- Keep the school updated on any medical changes. If they need to take medication, have any allergies or wear glasses they will need be aware.
- It’s important to have easy to make and healthy breakfast items stocked up to avoid any early morning panic! The same goes for packed lunches, it can be a good idea to do all your meal prep on a Sunday eve if time allows to free up your weekday evenings.
- Ensure emergency contact forms are current and filled in.
- Most schools will offer a chance for your child to meet their teacher and/or teaching assistants before term kicks off. This can help ease anxiety as they’ll have a friendly face to recognise when they arrive in the classroom.
- Establish a bedtime and wake up routine before term time starts. Use an alarm clock in the week before school starting to get it right before the first day.
- If your child is old enough to walk to school / get the bus on their own, make sure you’ve had a practice run beforehand. It’s also worth making sure they have an alternative route of travel in case of any complications. Sensible shoes, a bike helmet, and emergency contact number and bus money are all practical things to consider.
- There are plenty of books about starting school you can read together to get your child mentally prepared for the transition – these can also help bring up discussions around any anxieties with your child before their first day to avoid tears at the gate.
- Get a routine in place to get school uniform and any PE kits ready the night before. You’ll inevitably be thankful for the extra minutes this gives you when trying to get out the door in the morning.
Once you’ve crossed of all of the above – make sure also you check out our back to school checklist here.
Ready to start shopping? Find our range of school uniform options here.